Abstract Submission

Welcome to the abstract submission portal

Abstract for Poster Presentation Submission guidelines

Submission Deadline : 19th September 2024

General Guidelines

  1. Abstract title should be relevant to conference theme and public health subjects and fields.
  2. The abstract may include: Novel findings, evidence-based medicine focused on public health and preventive medicine including epidemiology, communicable diseases, NCDs, environmental health issues, one-health subjects and nutrition.
  3. The total word count cannot exceed 300 words.
  4. For poster presentations, the primary author and / or co- author will be allotted 5 minutes to present by their e-poster display.
  5. The scientific committee will make the final decision regarding abstract acceptance for presentation.
  6. Instructions of the abstract presentation will be sent by email upon submission acceptance.

Preparing Your Abstract for Submission

Abstract Contents
  1. The email address of the corresponding author should be provided, and all authors are required to state their department name and institution, city and country. Authors may have multiple affiliations.
  2. The abstract must include the Background/Introduction, Purpose, Methods, Results, limitations, Conclusions and Keywords.
  3. The abstract should be written in Times New Roman or Arial font 12pt., single-spaced, without spaces between paragraphs, and justified paragraph alignment.
  4. Abstracts should not include figures or graphs.
  5. Statement of ethical approval or exemption with committee name and reference number is required, if ethics approval is pending please make a note of it.
  6. Only complete submissions are considered for evaluation; ensure your entry clearly shows a full abstract. Before submitting the abstract to the submission portal, it is advised to ensure that your abstract is in adherence with the submission requirements.
  7. The abstract's format should be relevant to the project being presented.
  8. Designate one author as the primary author.
  9. The abstract must be submitted by the corresponding author.
Submission Requirements
  • The corresponding author serves as the point of contact for all correspondence with the scientific committee.
  • Corresponding author must disclose any potential conflicts of interest relating to the content they will be presenting (such as financial interests, vendor affiliations, and/or royalties received) and guarantee that their abstract presentations will not be used to promote any specific goods or services. If a conflict of interest is uncovered after acceptance, the committee has the right to revoke the approval of an abstract.
  • Authors are responsible for covering their own expenses, including travel, accommodation, and other expenditures.

Submission Process

  1. There is no limitation to the number of abstracts submitted by an individual author.
  2. All accepted abstracts' presenting authors are required to sign up for the conference. Co-authors must sign up for the conference in order to present with the presenting author.
  3. When the abstract is properly submitted, a confirmation email will be sent automatically to the corresponding author’s email address (approx1-2weeks after the submission deadline).
  4. Corresponding author’s must upload their presentation materials on the website before the conference time (complete instructions will be sent by email).
  5. After the submission deadline, incomplete abstract submissions will not be accepted for assessment or consideration for presentation.

Review process

  1. At least two reviewers will independently evaluate each abstract.
  2. The reviewing is blind; reviewers are not aware of the submitters' names or institutional connections.
  3. The reviewers will use the scoring rubric for abstract evaluation.
  4. The reviewers will consider the following criteria:
    • Relevance - to the overall theme of the conference and topics listed above.
    • Scientific Merit - direction toward developing a new or improved diagnostic procedure or idea.
    • Organization - well organized, easy to follow, and understandable.
    • Practicality - should be available, logical, and feasible.
    • Clarity - should be clear and brief and show understanding of the subject matter.
    • Novelty - of the topic (e.g., the case addresses a new question or problem or approaches traditional questions from a novel perspective.
    • Technical quality - the idea must stand up to scrutiny. Facts and data have scientific backing.

For poster presentation

  • Posters will be displayed as e-posters and must be submitted prior to the conference. Please refer to the submission deadline to ensure we receive your poster on time.
  • E-poster sizes should be 120 c.m. (h) X 90 c.m. (w) (Portrait Format).
  • Each poster will be assigned a number.
  • The presentation must cover the material as cited in your abstract.
  • Presenting author should be available to discuss their poster for the designated period during presentation to answer delegates queries.
  • Figures and graphs and photos
    1. Figures must be submitted as either tif- (tagged image format) or eps- (encapsulated postscript) files.
    2. Tables should be presented as images.
    3. Photographs, micrographs and scanned images; 1200 dpi for diagrams, scanned line drawings and line drawings in bitmap formats. Please note that artwork downloaded from the Internet (jpeg-, gif-, or pdf- files) cannot be used.
    4. Consider showing individual data points for bar graphs if doing so would better illuminate the distribution of the data.
    5. Patient consent is required for any figures containing patient images. Your institutional consent form should suffice, provided that there is a photo release clause as part of the form. Please include a statement below the abstract text.


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Abstract Information:

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your image
Note: Accept only Text, Word, Pdf, Powerpoint (Maximum upto 15MB)

If you have any inquiries or are experiencing any difficulties with the abstract portal,
please contact WhatsApp +965 - 6508 4326